Rosie Beswick, Rosie Consulting talks about her role as a long-standing Governor of Telford College
Rosie Beswick has been volunteering as a Governor at Telford College, formerly TCAT, for over ten years.
During this time and due to many factors, including radical reductions in funding from central government, drops in the birth rate coming through and financial recession, the College has faced many weighty challenges. During this time the College also merged with the Telford Sixth Form College.
Governor’s are unpaid volunteers giving their time freely and providing their skills and knowledge to help the college achieve its aims. All Governors go through a rigorous selection process, applying does not mean acceptance.
Rosie has had many additional roles, short and long term, during the past ten years including lead on safeguarding (statutory role), Link Governor for engineering, motor and construction and Link Governor
for marketing and student services. Rosie is also Chair of the Governors for the Colleges’ multi academy trust. She is also a member and stand in Chair of the Audit and Search Committees, plus several other roles.
Rosie said “I was very honoured when I was approached to apply to join the corporation, invited due to my business skills and experience. It had never crossed my mind that I could add value to the educational environment. It soon became obvious how business skills could be put to use in this very different arena.
It has at times been very frustrating, worrying and hard work, but the rewards are worth every bit of effort. Seeing students succeeding and going on to better things than they ever dreamed possible, letting their talents shine through and watching the staff excel makes the time spent so worthwhile.”
Rosie Consulting is a trading arm of RFR (Monmouth) LIMITED, Incorporated in England & Wales. Company Number 5023216